Dream Poem 43: Boat to Bruges; Travelling by Swimming Pool

It’s a college trip to Bruges, I’m taking some students
our boat floats in a swimming pool which floats in the North Sea.
Buoyant and large and full of blue, blue water
surrounded  by grey-green water,
two different kinds of water.
One salinated full of sea life and vegetation
one sterile and chemical, bleached life less.

We walked on the beach, it was full of clam shells,
we had travelled by swimming pool across the North sea with an Algerian Captain.
The boat had sunk with all our stuff on it –
to the bottom of the swimming pool and we had all got out. 
But now there was no boat
and it was time to go home.
I stood on the beach looking and wondering but knowing it would be ok.

The boat was sunk
Yet I stood on the beach

“Everything has gone to shit” I thought
“The worst that could happen has happened”
Yet I have head space
To contemplate
To analyse
To come to a logical conclusion
Despite the seemingly gloomy outlook
I am unperturbed
Solid as a rock
I just know it is going to be ok.
I have become strong
I have gained inner strength
I stand, I’m calm
I know
I trust
I believe, I’m unshakable.

The water is beautiful and I’m ok
The boat has sunk
It is going to be ok
I know it is going to be alright.


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