Colour and Sound: Visit to a Bell Tower 

Church bells and steeple steps – tower captains
And sallies, 
cut carpets
Ropes up, up, up – the bells hidden
peal, sing, ring.

On the wall honours and accolades
Photos and dates, coat hooks
Chilly walls. Neat sound box
Of hymns perhaps not today?

Rings of waves of
Absorbed by the bodies here present
What else do we absorb?

If we take in beauty and music
Does an image also reverberate
through the eye and brain in waves
of colour, waves of sonic beauty.

The image thrown upside down by
the eye and recalibrated by the brain
what if I painted upside down
or went to a gallery walking on my hands?

Light and dark, 
shape and shadow

Colour and depth
and sound.


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