Slow Motion Under Water 

I’m just weary
For no good reason
And the idea of all that has happened
Comes to me
Resting – still – deep in greenwater
Slow motion under water,
And the weight of water the weight of the water
Is heavy and sleepy
The knowledge is a stone tied in string
And fastened to my body

Each movement – such an effort
Each moment spent underwater
Makes it more difficult to surface
And the rock tied in quarters
The white cotton bright against
The darkness of the surface of the rock
It is not weightless
It is a heavy rye loaf
It is made of solid porridge oats.

And time is in slow motion
Each movement a great effort
Each blink
Each heart beat
Each deadened sound takes hours to reach my water blocked ears.

When I hear it, it is faint
Lost in time


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