Cocky Trumpets


Cocky Trumpets

Our lives weave around each other, sometimes we are in harmony, other times not.

Jesus says – I work off the beat, and on the beat, I am the beat and all rhythms are me.

When you work off beat, I am with you in that discord, uncomfortable place.

I am with you when you feel everyone else in the room is playing a different tune.


Life can feel anxious, full of mental health unwellness, danger, like everything is going too fast.

Jesus says, I’m walking with you in all that you are, 

because all that you are is my child, lovable, whole, uncompromised.


The Din of social media, of the twittering of twitter,

the fake news of facebook, the inanety of Instagram,

Jesus says – Angels get out your trumpets,

tumble down the cliff of heaven, create a wall of Holy noise

so that my friends can think and just be,

so the only interruptions are wholesome,

upbuilding words, healing exchanges, community building communication.


Our relationships with our brothers and sisters can feel like

a storm in a teacup, frantic violins under cocky trumpets.

Jesus says, let all who are thirsty come to me, my refreshment revives,

drains the cup of black tea misery  and clouds of unhappiness,

resets the string section tempo to one of slow crafting,

slow thinking, time to consider, believe, cocky trumpets, hush yourselves…

[Image from Unsplash open source. Poem first appeared in the Maltfriscan Newsletter, The Bripper, March 2021].



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