Potential in a Pandemic
Potential in a Pandemic:
In this time of Pandemic,
my eye catches your eye and a moment and eternity passes in
in understanding, in possibility.
A future telescopes in vacant potentiality, what if I were
in this relationship with this man?
who would we be, how would it work out, what would we say to
each other?
A flick book of stances with each turn of the page.
Vignettes of occasions and milestones slide by in stop frame
Our wedding day, the birth of our first child, standing our
new house,
first day at school, first argument, first separation,
living in separate worlds,
end of story.
All this goes by in a flash as I stand in the yellow light of
a doorway
and you pass by in the darkened hospital corridor.
Our meeting of eyes,
total conception of the entirety of a human life, a human
relationship in a moment
as we pass.
First published in Dwell Time Zine November 2020.
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