Dream Poem 102: The Maze, The Wall, The Question or Belshazzar’s Answer.

Daniel 5:5
“In the same hour the fingers of a man’s hand appeared and wrote on the plaster of King Belshazzar’s wall. 

The Genius Professor and I,
along with other research scientists, computers, equipment and robots
are working as a team
bang in the middle of a maze.

Looking for the answers.

One of the robots, unexpectedly is
Swallowed up by the wall,
For not fulfilling his role adequately.

I see what is happening and catch hold of his eye as he disappears.
I pull and pull, hanging on to the eye.
Yards of metal tape come out
But I kept hold of it.

I want answers.

The wall is a female entity and speaks to me saying
“you are not playing fair”
But I say
“Any means are ok in order to get the answer”
And she clenched her grip on the robot tighter
But I would not relinquish my grasp and pulled harder
And finally the robot came up to the surface of the wall.

And I asked my question.
And he answered me.
And I let go.

And let him be devoured by the wall once again.

The Professor’s wife was pregnant, I knew that.
We sat on the metal seating in Pudsey bus station,
Behind us a row of shops with the Bentleys the Butchers on it.

I was explaining about the shops to a table full of colleagues
But they couldn’t see it.
And I said they had to look over the wall and through the density of the trees and it was there.

We were waiting for people going into the maze
And coming out again with the answer.

I suppose we could piece it all together to create a larger answer.

(images. Top - Pudsey Bus Station: wymetro.com. built 2010, bottom image, National Gallery, Belshazzar's Feast, Rembrandt, 1636-38. )


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