A View from Saint Joseph's

Home from Mass
Bowing, processing, catching up.
Cups of tea from an oversized teapot
Pancakes with sugar and lemon.
Through my most grievous fault
Chocolate spread
I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof
Money in this glass bowl
Money in this collection bag
Buns for Nepal
Confirmandees writing their own creed
Singing from the back
Romeo on his Grand dad’s knee
Agnes so watchful and serious
Luka happy as a bean
Nathaniel running for the candle
His St Stephen’s medallion
Banging against his chest
As he only just makes it to the lectern
Before Fr Richard reads
And next to me Naomi all in black
Watching a baby who plays on her Dad’s shoulder
And I remember Naomi
Quiet baby on my lap
On friend’s laps through Mass
Josie, Helen, Tim
Quiet and observant, trusting and waiting
My baby girl so precious
So nearly snatched away
in the hospital as a baby
Every corridor appeared to be ten miles long
Don’t touch my baby
I silently scream
Don’t hurt her.
But here she sits her arm in my arm
still quiet
still content to observe, to trust
for the future.


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